If you have mobility problems, you'll know how useful home mobility equipment can be in helping you get around the house. Unfortunately, they are also relatively expensive. Thankfully, there are financing grants available to help you afford the mobility equipment that you need.
Some charities can offer financial help towards buying mobility equipment. Some of these will only be able to offer some of the funding, but others will be able to give full funding. Your best bet is to contact them and gauge their funding policies. Before they will accept your funding request, most charities will ask for a letter or report from a healthcare professional that outlines your personal circumstances and mobility requirements. If this is the case for you, you can ask someone like a GP, doctor, consultant or occupational therapist, as he or she should be able to provide you with this. If your situation involves a medical condition rather than a disability, you can contact the head office of the condition's Society (for example, the Multiple Sclerosis Society) to see if they can provide funding for you.
Below are some of the charities who may be able to help you secure funding for mobility equipment:
Aid for the Aged in Distress - This charity provides financial grants for both elderly carers and those who are caring for elderly people. These grants can be used to help in a number of ways if the recipient has little money of their own. It's worth contacting them if you're struggling financially to see if you can get a grant for home mobility equipment.
Elizabeth Finn Care - This charity helps people who have found themselves unable to work due to physical and mental problems, or who are struggling to survive financially during retirement
Independence at Home Trust - This charity gives grants to help the disabled or people who are housebound due to a long term illness or condition. Grants can include mobility equipment (particularly wheelchairs), but also specialised beds and chairs.
Margaret's Fund - This charity gives grants of £100-£300 to women who are struggling financially. Grants are given towards the cost of heating, clothing, disability equipment and convalescent holidays.
Social Work Departments
Your local social work department may be also to provide specialised mobility equipment such as beds after assessing your circumstances. It's worth contacting them to see if they can help you, especially if your situation is affecting your whole life. Other local authorities may also be able to help with various home adaptations.
Disabled Facilities Grants
Your local authority is obliged to give you this if your circumstances fit the criteria. Many home adaptations such as StairLifts and wheelchair ramps fall under this umbrella. You can get an application form from your local authority.
If all else fails, a loan may be the only option, but don't take one out unless you have the means to repay it (plus the interest).
There are a number of organisations who can help you with the cost of home mobility equipment. Many people who genuinely need such equipment are often afraid to ask for help because they feel that they won't be eligible, but the criteria in most cases is relatively simple: if your circumstances are deemed to warrant it.
Business Energy With a Difference
If you are looking for business energy or need advanced solutions like remote energy monitoring, new supplies, downgrading or upgrading capacity, have a no obligation chat with Purely Energy.
My partner is suffering from copd, sarcoidosis,bronchiectasis and pulmonary fibrosis..
She is finding it harder to breath and move about every day. She has a wheelchair but I have been diagnosed with degenerative spine disease so is finding difficult to push her now.
A small foldaway electric scooter would be beneficial to her and myself so she can go out a bit more and enjoy the nature she loves.
Could anyone tell me which organisations could help us obtain one..
Djin - 1-Nov-20 @ 8:29 AM
I’m looking to get some help I don’t know if you can point me in the right direction but I’m a disabled man sheltered commendation in Stevenage ground floor boards I have very limited use one on the right side plate numbers on right leg I’m looking to get a lightweight wheelchair but limited funds also need some AIDS around the house so services give me some but it’s nearly 2 years and give me a visit I don’t need the funds I’m looking to get some help I don’t know if you can point me in the right direction but I’m a disabled man sheltered commendation in Stevenage ground floor boards I have very limited views on on right side plate numbers on right leg I’m looking to get a lightweight wheelchair but limited funds also need some age around the house so services give me some but it’s nearly 2 years and give me a visit I don’t need the funds very So please could you point me in the right direction I’ve looked online I would know anything I cannot read or write either I’ve got a low IQ was 6.1 you thinking of going to write this but I’m not writing it on speaking to the phone and apologise for that I was attacked me years ago. The window 33 foot I nearly died so you can imagine the sort of injuries I’ve got arthritis around my body my ankle and my right hand was shattered I damaged my pelvis is broken so that gives you some idea how bad I am So please could you point me in the right direction I’ve looked online I would know anything I cannot read or write either I’ve got a low IQ was 6.1 you thinking of going to write this but I’m not writing it on speaking to the phone and apologise for that I was attacked me years ago. The window 33 foot I nearly died so you can imagine the sort of injuries I’ve got arthritis around my body my ankle and my right hand was shattered I damaged my pelvis is broken so that gives you some idea how bad I amAnd the last few weeks my disability is getting worse I’m also on 3500 times a month and quite a lot of painkillers but I blood pressure and cholesterol pleading with him to help me in the right direction I am so sorry to bother you Mark Austin my address is 47 hours straight Stevenage for him why my phone number is (07308) 236063 please could you put me in the right direction I’ll be so grateful I do not know where to turn I get so upset now And the last few weeks my disability is getting worse I’m also on 3500 times a month and quite a lot of painkillers but I blood pressure and cholesterol pleading with him to help me in the right direction I am so sorry to bother you Mark Austin my address is 47 hours straight Stevenage for him why my phone number is (07308) 236063 please could you put me in the right direction I’ll be so grateful I do not know where to turn I get so upset now upset now Thank you for listening I do appreciate this bye-bye bye-bye for now
No - 9-Aug-20 @ 10:11 AM
Hi I have lost the use of my right hand which hadoperations for carpal tunnel trigger finger seemingly it was a wrong diagnosis, after a brain scan looking for a stroke or bleeding on the brain Ihave since then got my medical records they found part of my brain has black I'm now looking at ms on my records I have a neurologicalproblem the doctors don't have a name for this condition, I'm now finding it difficult to remember things its so frustrating I'm 64 and thought it was unreal to find out I have ms and a brain disorder nothing is helping me with answers so I've given up asking what is really wrong with me.
Pandy - 20-Jul-20 @ 1:11 PM
Hello my dad get a mobility car to help get around, He wounding do you think he could get a mobility scooter as well with his mobility money.
Becky - 24-Sep-18 @ 1:27 PM
My problem is both my Knees have failed there MOT,I spent 11days in Hospital as I couldn't
Put any waight on them,I had a botched discharge from hospital with no treatment atall and it's
Left me using an office chair to get about the house,I requested a Referral appointment and
The answer were 18 weeks before I can get an Apointment and then 12 weeks if they decide
To give me TKR. What else is there to use other than an Office Chair, I move from chair to Office chair to stool to Wheel chair to Scooter To Car,at 85 have I got any hope.
Ex Korean Vet
Jimbo - 2-Jun-18 @ 3:11 PM
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia over 23 years ago.Nobody believed me, my children as well as doctors.I am so tired out and depressed from the pain.I haveneen diagnosed with severe osteo arthritis.I cannot believe the pain in my knees, shins, calves, groin, lower back, hips, hands and fingers.As I write this letter, I cry because I cannot stand being home 7 day a week, 24 hours a day.If I had a mobility scooter at least I could ride to the corner and have a drink ( coffee ) or get a lift to a plaza and drive around.I am so depressed, I cannot take it any longer.I also have three broken vertebrae and heart condition among other things.. you do not know what a blessing it would be if you could please help me.I cannot afford any cost on my own. I am a 75 low income earner
Ida (to short for a - 10-May-18 @ 10:05 PM
I have been trying to get help for a bath put In I carnt get none anywere I cannot use the shower it takes my breath I have two lung diceases and heart disease weresmy help ???
Murf - 2-Feb-18 @ 2:12 AM
Kaza - Your Question:
I av arthritis in both knees and in my right hand and index finger. I need help to get a mobility scooter. I suffer from depression very bad. I don't go out any ware as I can not walk far. If I could get a mobility scooter it would open up my life. I miss nipping to friends for a chat. Need help getting to and from my doctors. I need a mobility scooter that dose 8 miles per hour. And the battery can go up to 20 miles. It as to be a 4 wheeler as my friend had a bad accident on her 3 wheeler. I would need a rain cover so I can get out to the shops or to my doctors. Please ware can I get a grant for a mobility scooter and the rain cover. I'm on benefits and disability but my money don't go far as every thing is so expensive. I av to pay for taxis. I've lost my confidence and suffer from anxiety though not getting out I'm so fed up with life. I really need a mobility scooter.
I av arthritis in both knees and in my right hand and index finger . I need help to get a mobility scooter.I suffer from depression very bad.I don't go out any ware as I can not walk far . If I could get a mobility scooter it would open up my life . I miss nipping to friends for a chat . Need help getting to and from my doctors.I need a mobility scooter that dose 8 miles per hour.And the battery can go up to 20 miles.It as to be a 4 wheeler as my friend had a bad accident on her 3 wheeler . I would need a rain cover so I can get out to the shops or to my doctors.Please ware can I get a grant for a mobility scooter and the rain cover . I'm on benefits and disability but my money don't go far as every thing is so expensive.I av to pay for taxis.I've lost my confidence and suffer from anxiety thoughnot getting out I'm so fed up with life . I really need a mobility scooter.
Kaza - 12-Aug-16 @ 12:46 PM
Taz77 - Your Question:
My partner as very very servere copd and heart failure where can I get funding for a mobility scooter he is not yet on higher rate mobility
Our Response:
Try the charities listed above. If he's not automatically entitled to help, if you search online, there are many companies offering discounted and/or reconditioned scooters for sale.
RetirementMobility - 11-May-16 @ 12:40 PM
My partner as very very servere copd and heart failure where can i get funding for a mobility scooter he is not yet on higher rate mobility
Taz77 - 9-May-16 @ 12:38 AM
Tony - Your Question:
Needs help getting a scooter do to he has been falling do to his back is bone.on bone and his. Medicare will not cover it and his wheelchair is fallin apart please help us out. Thank you if you help us both.sincerey Mrs Lidke
Our Response:
We hope the suggestions in the article help.
RetirementMobility - 26-Apr-16 @ 10:36 AM
Nan - Your Question:
I need help to get. a 9'ramp to get my powerchair down of porch.I have use it' do to my body,and detiorating,neck,back,knees and they and. They don't.want to do any surgery on me.I have to many health issues and it would be good. Thank you. Nanette LIdke
Needs help getting a scooter do to he has been falling do to his back is bone.on bone and his. Medicare will not cover it and his wheelchair is fallin apart please help us out. Thank you if you help us both .sincerey Mrs Lidke
Tony - 25-Apr-16 @ 5:50 AM
I need help to get. a 9'ramp to get my powerchair down of porch .I have use it' do to my body,and detiorating,neck,back,knees and they and. They don't.want to do any surgery on me.I have to many health issues and it would be good. Thank you. Nanette LIdke
Nan - 25-Apr-16 @ 5:33 AM
Had an accident 2013 fell, broke my neck front and back. Also a few crushed vertebrae. I'm really struggling, I take 20+ painkillers every day. I'm 57 years old.
b - 3-Apr-16 @ 2:10 AM
I am a 74 year old woman I am in need of a stair lift. I am not financially able to perches one on my own. I have fallen 37 times since June going sown the stairs. I have a rod in my left hip. I have used all the fatty tissue in my rear sliding down the stairs. If anyone can give me information on who can get this done for me I will be greatly appreciative.
M s. Wilma - 18-Jan-16 @ 12:40 AM
I am 73 yrs old.I live on social security and have no oneto help me.
I have scoliosis of the spine anderradic heart beats so I cannot walk
far.I need a scooter so I can go to the store. I also have 2 hearing
aids that need fixing but due to their age no one will work on them. I am unable
to buy new ones $3,700. is what they cost.If anyone can help me on eitherplease let me know.
may dell - 17-Jan-16 @ 1:00 AM
Hi I really don't know how to apply or who to ask about applying for help about purchasing a folding mobility scooter. I have Cfs and Fibromyalgia and severe depression my walking is about 3 to 5 yards til I'm in total pain I do have a motability car and I did have a scooter but had broken about 2 months ago I cannot go out on my own as I cannot physically wheel my chair myself and so therefore in doors until my husband is home we cannot afford to purchase another scooter would anyone be able to advise me as what to do next please
Tina - 25-Nov-15 @ 11:26 PM
To anyone who can help my husband has a rare muscular dystrophy is 55 he cannot get any more help from government nor from the association, as their funding is poor,He need a petite lift lounge chair as the one he already has is too big & borrowed.As we are on a pension & can't afford it he also needs an electric mobility wheelchair to get around outside in the street. He has never asked for anything before & we are having all kinds of trouble getting any kind of assistance. We are finding it very difficult to get any kind of help the government backed down & bought the hilo bed He needs the smaller chair as he is only 5ft 2in. He needs this chair as he gets contractures in his legs also swollen legs due to blood pressure medication & needs to elevate his legs also he needs a lift chair as he has no strength in his legs to get himself out of a normal chair. Regards & thankyou any help is appreciated
krissels - 21-Sep-15 @ 12:09 PM
I am disabled due to a massive stroke i have trouble walking and need help to get a right hand controllled electric wheelchair ormobility scooter as it would give me back my independence i am only 42 so i have to pay for my care please help
Fifi - 19-Jul-15 @ 9:46 PM
I know its a long shot but i am wondering if someone has a larger type spare old mobility scooter spare...maybe an old one in the garage, i can walk about 50 - 100 yards these days on crutches but struggle past that so most of the time stay at home, i am 43 with a teen and a 5 year old, we are on benefits because of my disabilities i cannot work, 2 years ago i was fit but after carbon monoxide poisoning my health deteriated, first it was a stroke then my back went (dehydrated cartaliage) and knee (torn miniscus) and the latest after an operation my thigh has lost feeling on the outside and the inside feels on fire all the time, i need a big scooter because i am a big lad and am in the process of waiting months for pip payments but this seems to be taking forever as last time they said i was 2 points short from atos so i am in the middle of a review.
If anyone has a spare scooter i am in the southport area and would be very grateful.
stef - 27-Nov-14 @ 10:11 PM
@chrissie. Have you tried options mentioned in the article? Did they all fail? We'd be pleased to know about your experiences.
RetirementMobility - 27-Oct-14 @ 1:55 PM
I'm just had cancer and some lympho glands removed Left me with very bad arm and wrist Unable to do a lot of daily things for myself My chest is wheezy and I do get short of breath and panic attacks Unable to be out alone With my ankles swollen due to side effect s to the tablets It does make it impossible to get around at times Would I be able to get a grant to help me purchase me a mobility scooter to be able to get aroundf please help.
Chrissie - 24-Oct-14 @ 10:55 PM
I am applying for help with funds for a car boot-type mobility scooter.
James Clark19 / March / 1947 ( NHS no:400 044 5596 )
Address:10 Fall Bank, Heaton Chapel, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 5PE.
Telephone:0161 442 8661
Mobile:07510 023 111
Worked as a Long Distance PSV Coach Driver and HGV / Lorry Driver.
Was also a Driving Instructor for both PSV also HGV.
As a result of the accident he is not allowed to teach or drive a PSV Coach or a HGV / Lorry.
His driving licence has been reduced from a Full Manual Car and PSV / HGV licence
to an Automatic car only due to limited use of his left leg.
The accident happened in June 2000
His lorry was moved by someone without his permission
without checking in the back of the lorry first, to make sure no one was unloading.
They drove the lorry forward fast and braked so sharply,
that their action caused the pallet of heavy frozen food, and pallet trolley that he was unloading,
to slide quickly off the back of the lorry,
trapping him against one of the central poles.
His feet were trapped between the pole and pallet trolley.
His upper body was twisted violently in the opposite direction by the pallet full of frozen food.
He was unable to move his body and legs and was in chronic pain.
The injuries caused:
Lower Spinal Injury Levels:
Damage to bladder and stomach, hernia; damage to right wrist;
lumber spondylitis, and osteoarthritis in lower spine,
weakness to the sciatic nerve.
Chronic long term lower back pain since the accident.
Injury to the muscles and ligaments supporting the back.
The pain causes muscle spasms in lower back and down his left leg.
There is strain to the lower back, torn muscles and ligaments;
spasms of cramp in lower back and down both legs.
Suffers from a lot of pain;
Has stronge prescription medications prescribed
to help control and manage the severe pain only when required.
Due to the level of injury,
the pain makes
walking, lifting and climbing stairs very limited, painful and very difficult.
He has to use walking sticks with careand cannot manage a walker as it is too heavy.
A mobility scooter would be a great help and provide independence.
Mobility & Movement:
Has limited head and neck movement and limited shoulder movement.
Has use of arms, good use of left arm left wrist and left hand,
but slight weakness in right wrist and fingers.
Has upper body control and balance.
Left leg limited control, and foot movement.
Right leg has normal control over movement.
Ability to transfer independently from bed to chair, and chair to car.
It is possible to transfer from floor to chair depending on upper body strength.
Ability to drive with adaptations fitted in his own automatic car.
Ability to load a car boot-type of mobility scooter into car with assistance when required.
Normal respiratory system.
Personal Care and Domestic Care:Requires assistance in bathing
JIMSCOTLAND - 7-Aug-14 @ 1:29 PM
sorry last comment should of ssaid I have cops not cops lol. sorry
roy - 6-Jul-14 @ 4:20 PM
hi, I have cops and aspergillosisand can't sleep lying down.Does any one know of any help with mobility beds or similar bed aids.Thank you
roy - 6-Jul-14 @ 4:18 PM
hi i wounder if you can help me please iam suffering with a bad leg and a bad chest its my leg that is causeing me my problem i hae a trapped sicatic nerve in it my leg feel lkie someone is puttig a red hot knife around my leg i have had a few things done by social servesis but this leg is effecting my walking i have a push along wheelchair but iam a 22 stone lady and my hubby is struggleing to push me around at the oment i dnt gu far because i caan hardly walk please can someone help me iam slowly goin mad beng stuc in all the time i would be very very greatfull for any help at all thank ypu mrs freda martn 01495752052
jack2011 - 11-May-13 @ 10:51 PM
hi I am disabled I and I have a 10 year old mobility scooter and I was wondering if I could get a grant to help me get a newer model or to get the one I have serviced and get 2 new batteries for it as I have trouble walking I have 2 sticks around the house and I have a wheelchair when I go out so to have another scooter would get me out and about again so if you can help me I would be most grateful
kj - 4-Apr-13 @ 9:55 PM
I am having trouble waiking from one place to another, am medical problem is muscoloskeleal and hyperalimenation. The right leg and arm are not working. I need a scooter to help me with my daily life.